Here are a few photos from my two week trip around the UK with my aunt and our family friends. I have no idea if these are the best ones; I have over 450 photos and it is nearly impossible to pick my favorites.
In front of the Tower of London |
In front of Buckingham Palace |
William Shakespeare's home in Stratford-Upon-Avon |
Coventry Cathedral |
York Minster |
City gates in York |
City walls in York |
Trying haggis |
From inside Edinburgh Castle |
Edinburgh Castle |
A beautiful doorway in Dublin |
Dublin -- walking near the famine memorial |
Cliffs of Moher in Ireland |
Beautiful landscape in Ireland |
Having a drink in an Irish pub |
Salisbury Cathedral |
The whole trip was so amazing. It went very quickly and we saw a ton--they kept us very busy. Besides the early mornings, the trip was fantastic. I can't believe I got to see four countries. We got to see some great large cities--London, Edinburgh, Dublin--and also were able to spend time in little towns. We got to see a lot of countryside, which was probably my favorite part. Scotland and Ireland are just gorgeous. I would also love to go back to the Lake District in England. The whole experience is really just indescribable. I can't believe it's already over!
I was ready to be home. Up until being on the plane, it didn't really feel real that I was actually going home. That I was actually going to get to see my dad and Philip. That I would actually be walking into my place and sleeping in my own bed. The first time I saw my cat, I almost didn't recognize her. It felt surreal! My first full day back, I even felt kind of uncomfortable. It was a strange feeling, but I'm back to normal now. Ha! Back to Normal.
I feel like I need to really spend some time reflecting on what I did this summer. I've had to write about what I learned this summer during my practicum several times so far. But what I mean is, I need to look at my pictures and think about what I felt when I was there and what was around me. I don't think that I took this summer for granted; I feel like I made a point of feeling blessed and trying to really pay attention. Now that I'm done with homework for the next three weeks, I'll hopefully have time to do this, along with a lot of other things including deep cleaning my apartment and reading a lot of books for fun. I also fully intend on keeping up my blog again. I enjoy it, so it's on my list of things to do.
Until next time... Cheers!